Sunday, October 11, 2009


Hey everyone, sorry, but as you can see Rawr and I havent been doing anything on this blog lately. *cough* I will try to update more often and that might just actually be the truth because I finally got my very own laptop that is amazing!!! Anyway hows everyone enjoying Highschool because i know that i am enjoying it. New Moon Comes out on Nov. 20th but as Rawr and I figured out that happens to be a school night so neither of us can go to the midnight premier. *sniff* This is one of the only twilight movies that i wanted to go at midnight for because it is the best book and of course because Taylor launter is in it...with his shirt of HA!! Anyway I am really nervous for basketball tryouts because i am scared I am not going to make a team so wish me luck. Oh and we all want to get together for Halloween so we can go trick or treating so if you could volunteer your house and neighbor that would be great oh and since it was a Saturday night i think we should have a sleepover! We might be able to do it at my house but idk yet. Oh and Abby gave me this awesome idea that for Halloween we all dress up as characters from a different holiday like the Easter Bunny.I love this idea but i am still going to be a member of the volturi because then i can wear my cape!!!Anyway I miss you all so much and we should get together soon!!