Thursday, May 28, 2009


Hey guys Howl is back and very happy that it is now summer vacation!! Rawr I am still going to see you, we will get together to go see the movies!!! Oh and guess what, ok so this week I had a freaking basketball camp, but it was more like boot camp. Today we did an hour of abbs!! AN HOUR!!!! Ya and then we ran our freaking butts off. So in High School i am officially going to die. Oh and my Thats Right softball team broke up!! Ya but I am already on another 16u team lol. Ya my first practice was on monday and then on tuesday and then on wednesday and then today lol!! But we are a beast team lol and this weekend we are going to Oklahoma!! Ya and I get to watch the collage world series!!!!! I hope Arizona state wins!! Oh ya and i think i am almost officially done with soccer...I may try out for High School, but IDK!!! ya so that is how my life is going so far..OH and this summer I am going to ILLIONIS to see my cousins and family!!! YAY SO HAVE A GOOD SUMMER!!!!!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

This and That...

Hey peeps, just thought I'd bring you up to speed on the world on seen by nerds.

- So first off, TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN is coming out JUNE 24!!! I AM SO THERE!

- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is being released in theaters on July 15. Surprisingly, I'm looking forward to it. I think Harry Potter's growing on me...I mean seriously, who doesn't want to wave around a wand and scream "Wingardium Leviosa!" or "Expecto Petronum!" ...I do.

- I think I saw something about a new Ice Age movie coming out on June 1...

- And for all those orch dorks out there, I want to see The Soloist so that I can either laugh at Jamie Foxx's attempt to play the cello or have my self-esteem plummet below the ground (as usually happens in movies about prodigies. Stupid August Rush.)

- Check out Linkin Park's new single for Transformers 2: New Divide. It's pretty sick.

- Chuck might be cancelled *sniff*

- I can't believe I'm saying this but....THE VITAMIN STRING QUARTET ROCKS!!! SERIOUSLY!!! Go on youtube and check out clocks or hallelujah (that's right, paramore in strings! it's like a dream come true lol jk) DO IT NOW.

- Anyway, back to movies. If you didn't know, Chinese movies kicks American movies' butts. Well, most of them. There's this one movie called Together about this violin prodigy and it's amazing. And I don't usually say that about prodigy movies, since they usually just piss me off. Seriously, go rent it. Be sure to turn on subtitles.

So anway, later people.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Paranoid? Me? Naw.

Aw, just look at that freaky, devil-eyed pigeon over there. Doesn't he just make you want to run away screaming...or grab the nearest flamethrower? In my experience, and I've had a lot, pigeons are stupid pooping-machines that like to fly in people's faces for fun. I mean seriously, just look at the bird's face! You can tell he's plotting something evil, and I'd bet on anything that it has something to do with the end of the human race.

Stay paranoid, people.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Sorry to Announce...

Don't start freaking out! What the Fudgesikles isn't being officially shut down, even though Howl and I are being separated *sniff* and we won't be able to collaborate much on what to blog about. We'll do our best in blogging, so please be patient and keep checking for updates!

Thursday, May 07, 2009

The Most Awesome Animal In the World

If any of you haven't seen the movie Duma, then by heck get it off Netflix! It's an awesome movie. Plus it has the most awesome animal in the world in it - A BUSHBABY!

For all you less educated people (lol jk) a Senegal Bushbaby is an awesome little nocturnal primate that lives in Africa. They have awesome fingers and sick red eyes! They're TINY and you can hold them in your hands and they fit perfectly on your shoulder! And if you're obsessed with cute little animals, the bushbaby takes cute to a whole new level. The greatest thing about them is that they literally use their tails to jump around (well they alternate between the tail and the hind legs) and they are the most awesome animal in the world!

So forget that new puppy, get a bushbaby! (And name it Mashaka - pronounced MOO-sha-kah)

There's (or should be) a picture of a bushbaby somewhere above.

So that's all for the segment on my new favorite animal! Later, peeps!

Sunday, May 03, 2009

OCD With Sports

K so in case any of you peeps out there don't know, I, aka Howl, am obsessed with all sports!!!
I play soccer, softball, and basketball and according to my friends I kick @$$ at basketball and softball and i am OK at soccer!!! Lol anyway my team That's Right for softball we aren't best team but we are pretty intense and I love it!!! I play catcher sometimes, shortstop and third base...YAY... For basketball well I am not on a team right now because it is not basketball season but i was I was. Basketball is my favorite sport ever and every year I played for my middle school team we were undefeated..YAY...For my soccer team I play for the best team in my age group...THE HORNETS...YAY... Ok so about soccer yesterday we had a state cup game and we played for like the first 25 minutes and then there was a lightning delay and we had to wait like a hour in the car...AHHHHH... Then we finished and we won like two to zero!!! YAY and this girl fouled me so freakin bad that my but is bruised and i landed in the freakin mud!!!! ya it was an intense game lol... So just wanted to keep you updated with all my sports that you probably don't want to know about!!!!!