Sunday, May 24, 2009

This and That...

Hey peeps, just thought I'd bring you up to speed on the world on seen by nerds.

- So first off, TRANSFORMERS: REVENGE OF THE FALLEN is coming out JUNE 24!!! I AM SO THERE!

- Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince is being released in theaters on July 15. Surprisingly, I'm looking forward to it. I think Harry Potter's growing on me...I mean seriously, who doesn't want to wave around a wand and scream "Wingardium Leviosa!" or "Expecto Petronum!" ...I do.

- I think I saw something about a new Ice Age movie coming out on June 1...

- And for all those orch dorks out there, I want to see The Soloist so that I can either laugh at Jamie Foxx's attempt to play the cello or have my self-esteem plummet below the ground (as usually happens in movies about prodigies. Stupid August Rush.)

- Check out Linkin Park's new single for Transformers 2: New Divide. It's pretty sick.

- Chuck might be cancelled *sniff*

- I can't believe I'm saying this but....THE VITAMIN STRING QUARTET ROCKS!!! SERIOUSLY!!! Go on youtube and check out clocks or hallelujah (that's right, paramore in strings! it's like a dream come true lol jk) DO IT NOW.

- Anyway, back to movies. If you didn't know, Chinese movies kicks American movies' butts. Well, most of them. There's this one movie called Together about this violin prodigy and it's amazing. And I don't usually say that about prodigy movies, since they usually just piss me off. Seriously, go rent it. Be sure to turn on subtitles.

So anway, later people.


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