Friday, March 13, 2009


Hey everyone...I had to stay home sick today so i thought i would just give ya an update on everything. K first is the thing that is going around and getting everyone sick is very very contagious and it sucks...last night I felt so sick i couldn't stay focused on hw and then when I went to bed at like midnight i woke up and started puking my stomach out...ya not a pretty image! So ya and then today I finshed off Hunted by P.C. and Kristin Cast...I really didn't like it at all. It wasn't very exciting but yet I couldn't put it down and **(spoiler kinda) **it only covered like 3 days and she still has that boy love triangle thing ugg and Heath is back!!!! Bye Bye!!!


Rawr said...

k first off: DONT GIVE OUT SPOILERS MORON I STILL HAVE TO READ IT! and duh it sucks those books just get worse and worse, so i really don't know why i want to read it other than the fact that i am totally bored...oh, and you missed the party for PI DAY!!! i drank a whole liter of root beer yum yum! and had about 6 thin mints so i am really full right now. and we have that math test on monday and you have to do that problem of the week thing she gave us with the cylinders. sorry you feel so bad! hope it goes away soon!

Howl said...

K first of all I said spoiler alert just for you!! and I was to sick to eat anything yesterday so what was the point and then Jessica already told me about the math test so there lol lol and thank you for worring!

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