Friday, April 10, 2009

Battle of the Bloggers!!!

To uphold this blog's reputation and honor, Howl and I recently joined two other blogger teams (Riley and Terry from "Nerds R Us" and Sheena and Angela - who stood in for Zandeleigh - from "From the Confused Minds of Zandeleigh and Sheena") in an intense Battle of the Bloggers!!!

We underwent three mentally and physically strenuous tasks that included:

- Building a unique structure out of expired marshmallows and toothpicks
- Blowing bubbles with dish soap with our hands
- Smashing fruit with a large rubber mallet

And true to our blog, HOWL AND I WON ALL THREE!!! Our marshmallow castle completely blew away Riley and Terry’s top-heavy rocket and Sheena and Angela’s fort and swing set! Our amazing hot dog bubble killed the competition! And lastly, thanks to Howl’s superior upper body strength, we totally slaughtered those apples and tomatoes.

So yes, it has been proven.

Our blog is the best.

And if you’re thinking “What the heck does marshmallows and bubbles have to do with blogs?”…well, they don’t, but we’re still the best.

So thank you for your nonexistent support!

And remember: What The Fudgesikles will always remain #1.

Until next time, followers!

- Rawr and Howl, your favorite butt-kicking bloggers


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