Tuesday, April 21, 2009


So basically, the Twilight series is about a girl who falls in love with a vampire, who saves her then leaves her and she falls in love with a werewolf but she goes to save the vampire from a bunch of evil vampires and then the vampire comes back and she's in love with him again and the vampires and werewolves save her from another evil vampire and she marries the vampire and gets frickin' PREGNANT and then the werewolf falls in love with their KID which is just TWISTED and they all live happily ever after.


So, if the plot isn't bad enough, it's just a teensy bit creepy that a forty-year-old woman is dreaming about vampires and werewolves. Yes, Stephenie Meyer actually did dream of the plot. And that's how the Twilight series, which really needs to go burn down under, was created.

And to make matters even worse, they went and made a MOVIE about it. And it sucked. Badly. Real badly. Like gouge-out-your-eyes-with-a-dull-spoon badly. However, Howl liked it...She's dead.

Twilight. Read it it you like those pain in the butt, love triangle stories that never end soon enough. Watch the movie if you feel like committing suicide anytime soon.

This was our segment on flaming Twilight. Hope you enjoyed it!


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