Thursday, April 23, 2009

From the Offices of Dr. R. Awr and Dr. H. Owl

After months of observation, Dr. R. Awr and Dr. H. Owl have released the details of their study of a typical conversation between two popular girls. The conversation is documented below.

Setting: Popular A and Popular B meet before school to discuss their weekends, even though they have already texted each other the details...twice.

Popular A: So, like, the other day I went to the mall, right? And you will never believe who I saw!

Popular B: Ohmygod, like, who?

A: Kristy and Nate!

B: Ohmygod, no way!

A: Way!

B: I can't, like, believe it!

A: I know, right? So anyway, I was going to go up to them but then I got distracted by this like really cute nail polish I saw in a store window, so I went in and I couldn't decide if I wanted the rose nail polish or the magenta nail polish -

B: I, like, hate having to make hard decisions like that.

A: I know, right? So the rose was classic, but the magenta would have matched my new outfit that I bought at Hollister - and I also got a bottle of that new perfume there - so I ended up buying like both nail polishes!

B: Genius!

A: I know, right?

B: So what happened with Nate and Kristy?

A: Well by the time I was done buying a set of lip gloss, a new pair of shoes, a sweater, a scarf, a pair of jeans, a hair band, hair extensions, and like everything else that was cute in that store, they were, like, gone!

B: Dang, just missed them!

A: I know, right?!

...the conversation goes on to discuss boys, teachers, and clothes. However, Dr. R. Awr and Dr. H. Owl have decided to spare us and have burned the rest of the conversation.


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